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2019-2020 Programs

Nineteenth Century Business Women: presented by Susan Lewis September 19, 2019 Dr. Lewis challenged our assumptions about the role of woman as only wife and mother.


Hudson River Day Boats: presented by Richard Brooks October 17, 2019 The Hudson River Day Line was the premier steamboat line on the Hudson River from the 1860s through the 1940s, carrying millions of passengers between Albany and New York City.


The Irish Bridget: presented by Margaret Lynch-Brennan, PhD November 21, 2019 Insight into the lives of these young immigrant girls, their work life, social life, the impact they had on Irish-American life, and contribution to American ethnic history, labor history and women’s history.


Native American Site Along the Dowers Kill: presented by Adam Luscier, Hartgen Archaeological Associates February 19, 2020 The Native American site that was found and excavated on the Dowers Kill in the Town of Bethlehem produced thousands of the artifacts and a carbon date of about 5,900 years ago.

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